PRANA (chi)
Our health, or the amount of sickness we have depends in a very great measure upon the amount of prana or life force in our body. We need to have certain amount of prana above and beyond the balance between life and death, to have good or perfect health. The reservoir of prana in your body is found in or relative to the solar plexus which is found just below the heart, under the breast bone and just between the “V” of the ribs. The control of the prana or chi is absolutely essential to perfect health and long life. It is the rejuvenator and revitalizer which form the actual elixir of life. If life force is strong within the body it will prevent the appearance of disease, or will vanish disease if present, because it will so activate the Vanyana, Vayu and Rasa that they will cause every gland and organ to work in an absolutely normal manner: they will cause the blood stream to circulate more freely and will a rich full power of disintegration of harmful germs. The PRANA flows in, in a five minute cycle; or rather four minute cycle; one half minute being allowed at either end as leeway. Prana is more essential than the food you eat. Prana – Energy (unit force) human strength. Pranah – life force or vital force. Chinese – chi or qi. Japanese – ki. Greek - pneuma. English – breath. Egyptian – ka. Tagalog – espiritu santo. Symbolized by three Polarity Positive – sun (right hand); red (red orange) – life Negative – moon (left hand); green – death Neutral – earth (pray hand, or Namaskar Gesture) silvery white – preservation Location of prana – pranindria (near Anahata Chakra) Element of prana: Aerial + Luminous + Etheric = PRANA
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